Integration - that's what you need!

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One of Directory Opus' best features is the fact that you can integrate other programs into its usage as though they were part of DOpus itself. The most obvious example of this is the way filetypes work - double clicking on a file will use whatever file viewer you've chosen - whether that be an internal DOpus viewer like the text viewer or an external program like CyberWindow. But integration can be taken much further than that like using ARexx to control other programs from inside DOpus or creating buttons to replicate functions found in other programs. Even with ARexx control you don't need to have the same level of ARexx or programming expertise that the next section expects of you!

If we start with a very simple example - using DOpus as a control for Miami, to put the TCP stack online and offline, you'll see how anyone that can create a text file can make this kind of simple ARexx script to control their programs.

If you want to edit a button you can simply hold down the ALT key while clicking on it to bring up the button bank editor with the button you want to edit already highlighted.

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